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Part 2 of Tommy Garrett’s Interview in Canyon News

January 7, 2011 / Posted by in News

“MALIBU—In our second part to Mary Beth Evans’s exclusive interview, the beautiful self-proclaimed beach girl discusses her work on the hit internet sensation “The Bay.” I caught up with the popular and talented star while she was on her way to the Rocky Mountains for the Christmas holiday. Mary Beth and I joked about her being too young to be a matriarch on a show like “The Bay.” “Initially it was a bit jarring, but then I read the script. Now I embrace it, Tommy. I get to work with Joe Lando, Tristan Rogers and Matthew Ashford, who I have known for decades, as we both were on ‘Days of Our Lives’ at the same time. So now, I’m playing my age, so to speak. It’s actually very liberating. Women in Hollywood find it difficult to get older, but I’m just going with it,” said Evans…”


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