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Posts Tagged ‘Hybrid Mom Blog’

New Hybrid Mom Blog, “Holiday Traditions”

December 9, 2010 / Posted by in News

“As you may or may not know, my husband and I have raised our children Jewish. I was not raised Jewish and actually had little knowledge of the faith, customs or heritage. Not to mention the FOODS of the holidays. As the years passed I learned a lot alongside our children. I cannot read from the Torah like my kids but I can make a mean brisket and an even better Kugel.  I could write about so many things I

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Mary Beth’s New Hybrid Mom Blog, “How Yoga Changed My Life”

November 26, 2010 / Posted by in News

“As far back as I can remember my mother would fix things herself. A hammer and a screwdriver and she was ready to go.  I have always felt I could do things myself as well. I have painted all the rooms in my house myself, l planted all my plants and am constantly moving things around. My oldest son Danny would often ask me when I had commandeered him to help me move things around, “couldn’t you pick a hobby that didn’t

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“Giving Back,” September 23rd Hybrid Mom Blog

September 30, 2010 / Posted by in News

“As many of you know my daughter Katie is big on “giving back.”  Since high school she has been developing a real passion for girl’s health and empowerment. My husband Michael has always been a” woman’s libber” and has always encouraged her to go after her passions and impressed upon all the kids that doing well in school gives you options in life. Education has always been huge in our family. As a mother and a woman I love what

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