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Posts Tagged ‘mother’

Mary Beth’s New Lifestyle Blog

January 29, 2015 / Posted by in News

Mary Beth has launched a lifestyle blog about cooking, decorating and adventures with family and friends.  It will be entertaining, informative and most of all fun.  Join Mary Beth and join in the discussion, sharing your ideas and comments. www.plankblog.com

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Mary Beth’s New Hybrid Mom Blog, “How Yoga Changed My Life”

November 26, 2010 / Posted by in News

“As far back as I can remember my mother would fix things herself. A hammer and a screwdriver and she was ready to go.  I have always felt I could do things myself as well. I have painted all the rooms in my house myself, l planted all my plants and am constantly moving things around. My oldest son Danny would often ask me when I had commandeered him to help me move things around, “couldn’t you pick a hobby that didn’t

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